Friday, March 29, 2013

Tamako Market

Tamako Market: C

Kyoto Animation's offering for this season.  The story of a girl whose family runs a mochi shop in a small-town shopping arcade, and her visitation by a talking bird from a foreign land, searching for his prince's bride.

It continues KyoAni's standards of amazing animation, but also, unfortunately, their traditions of harmlessness and being non-threatening.  Tamako Market is a rather extreme example in this, and is probably the most harmless and least risky series they've ever done.  It's absolutely adorable and very sweet, but, like cotton candy, it lacks substance and is, perhaps too sweet at times.

Every episode has a pithy moral to it, but they are not particularly well-executed or demonstrated, though they are quite heartful.  Overall the series simply lacks punch.

If you need a calm, pretty, sweet little story to cleanse your brain of anything but cuteness, Tamako Market has you covered.  If you're looking for substance, action, drama, emotion or even conflict, there really isn't any here.

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