Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Medaka Box Abnormal

Medaka Box Abnormal: B

Medaka Box was always just very intelligent shonen, so it shouldn't really surprise me that the second season is basically a slightly differently organized fighting tournament arc that, in keeping with Nisio Isin's writing style, flows well and keeps the story moving much better than shonen series usually do.

I was disappointed because we didn't see much of my personal favorite character (Shiranui).

Overall it's an enjoyable watch, though a little absurd and with a plot that is fairly easy to see coming, except for the extreme weirdness of the final episode, which screams 'give us more' like nothing else and does an excellent job of setting up, or even demanding a third season.  I dunno if Gainax will come through with that, they're notorious trolls (see the last 2 minutes of Panty and Stocking).

If you liked Medaka Box and absolutely need more, the second season gives you more.  If you're hoping for closure or particularly extensive depth, you won't get it, but you'll get lots more of what the first season had.

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