Saturday, March 30, 2013

Nanoha The Movie 2nd A's

Nanoha the Movie 2nd A's: A

So I wrote in my original Nanoha A's review that A's is an extremely well-told story with excellent pacing, characterization and a well-crafty story about good people.  The Movie version of the same is also excellent, though, frankly, weaker for the exclusion of certain elements in the interest of cutting down on the time.

Since the original series was so excellently paced, the exclusion of anything takes away from the story, but only slightly, the newly redesigned story is still completely functional, better animated, and expands on a few confusing issues from the original story, expanding on the role of a very minor character and giving a name to a character that previously had simply been a plot device of unclear nature and relationship to others.  A few moments, however, had their emotional impact dulled slightly by a few choices made differently in the movie. Not enough to make it bad, but enough for me to say 'no, you really want to see the series first, because it handles the surprise reveals better'.

For people who want to get into Nanoha as a series, I recommend watching the first movie, then series version of A's, then the A's movie to understand the full interwoven canon (since things make the most sense if you take both of them and kinda interweave them together).  Then watch StrikerS, if you absolutely have to, which you probably will after the A's movie.

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