Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Cutie Honey

New Cutie Honey (OVA): D

So, I have a deal with one of my friends, that we'll both watch all the anime the other has seen.  Since this friend's internet connection is much less reliable and his living situation and social tendencies much less inclined to make him do nothing but watch anime for entertainment, I don't have as much effort to put into the subject as he does with me, but every so often he'll pop something at me, like NCH.

Now, I know Cutie Honey is a big deal in Japan, and I am thankful for the opportunity to familiarize myself with it for the sake of catching the near-ubiquitous references to it.  However, I really cannot praise any actual technical aspect of this version of the franchise at all.  Contrived, pointlessly, obsessively fan servicey, with animation that simply didn't age well, and a wire-thin plot.

I could see people getting into the camp of it, or arguing that it's so bad it's good, but that just wasn't the mileage I got out of it.

I am curious to see other adaptations of the franchise though, if only to see if it's ever done well...

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