Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (OVA)

All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (OVA):  C+

This one's tough to describe and may earn me some hate from people who grew up with it.

Nuku Nuku is a classic, combining a lot of elements into a fairly original work.  I certainly do not think it is bad, by any stretch of the imagination, but it was the sort of series I watched because I knew the name and I felt out of place not knowing much more about it.

Turns out there's not much to know.  A lighthearted romp of a 6-episode OVA fraught with explosions, fan service and conflict involving a broken family (played for laughs, as the father is a modern mad scientist and the mother is a high-rolling executive bound to have her son back no matter the cost in high-tech machinery).

I was a little disappointed in the very-human portrayal of Nuku Nuku, who is supposedly a cat brain in an android body, but mostly acts like the modern stereotypical cat girl (though notably lacking ears).  The conflicts, however, are well-justified and orchestrated, despite the comedy, you really can appreciate the "villainous" mother's desire to be with her son.

I should note that I only watched the OVA, not the TV anime or the second OVA (Nuku Nuku Dash), because my sources informed me that the original was the best.

Enjoyable and classic, but ultimately forgettable.

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