Monday, April 4, 2011

Hell Girl (Again)

So, after a bit of random investigation, I learned that due to a titling error in the copy I got had me watch the last episode of the first season first.

While I haven't finished the first season yet, the change in perspective brought by seeing the last episode first definitely changes the way the series is veiwed.  Not necessarily in a bad way, but it's definitely influenced my opinions of it to the extent that I'm probably not going to be able to provide a coherent description of it until I've watched the entire thing, and I may need to rewatch a few episodes at that point.

The entire thing has made me wonder what it's like trying to tell a story to which the viewer knows the punchline, though, perhaps, not the joke, and the literary inventiveness in this particular sort of project.  It is essentially the way I'm seeing this, I know the punchline but I only have the vaguest outline of the joke.

But, I am still interested in finding out how it all comes together.

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