Sunday, April 10, 2011

Infinite Stratos: Final

Infinite Stratos:  C++

Pretty much everything good about the series right here.

Right, so I spent my sunday rewatching IS, and I've concluded that overall, the series does not quite deserve a B. It has a fair number of truly brilliant moments, a good ending, and I do like the series, but my critic's mind tells me that it doesn't deserve to be in the same category as a shows of genuinely higher quality.

IS belongs in a special "Guilty Pleasure" box for me: It's fun, it's funny, it's pretty to look at, but it's lacking in depth, emotion, meaning or comedy that I really want from a series that I would give a higher rating to.  It's a little all over the place (which is to be expected from a series whose mission statement is "harem/mecha"), and jumps between unwanted harem humor and real robot drama, doing an only okay job of each.

All that being said, I would watch a second season, especially if they didn't go overboard with introducing new characters and just developed Ichika, the five girls, Chifuyu and Tabane.  And maybe Pika-tan.

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