Thursday, April 19, 2012


Mononoke:  B+

Not Princess Mononoke, simply Mononoke.  The Mononoke is the same word, though, referring to a spirit or demon.

Mononoke is an exercise in surreal, deeply personal storytelling.  The mononoke which the Medicine Seller encounters and defeats are all bound to the world not out of simple malice or villainy, but due to the horrors of things done by humans to one another.

Mononoke is another horror anime, but openly supernatural and dramatically stylized, resulting in an extremely exotic, archaic feel which fits the stories well.  It is deeply rooted in Japanese mythology and spirituality, but with the liner notes provided by most subtitling groups sense can be made of it.

Mononoke does not go through the trouble of explaining itself: part of the horror is the familiarity of the mysterious and not entirely benevolent protagonist.  Endings are very open, explanation into what comes after is not forthcoming.

It's the kind of series that appeals to a particular kind of audience, who will adore it.  If you want to immerse yourself in Japanese ghost stories, watch Mononoke.

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