Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Star Driver 1-4

I downloaded Star Driver a while back and the gg subs version of it has been sitting in my "to watch" folder, but I watched the first few minutes and they didn't get my attention, so I held off on it.

Tonight I cracked it, and my immediate thought upon finishing the first episode was, "Huh, this is like Utena meets Gurren Lagann."  Now, let's get straight that I consider both of those series to be excellent anime and worth anyone's time, but mixing concepts isn't necessarily a good idea.

I got curious around episode 4 and decided to look into who's writing this crazy, because a certain sequence reminded me of Ouran High School Host Club.  The following was my answer:

I feel bad not knowing this guy's name!  Those are some high class titles he's written!  I've seen ALL OF THEM except RahXephon, and now apparently I'll have to, since they were all pretty good.

Anyway, Star Driver is a B+ at the moment, but I'm only 4 episodes in.  It could be as good as an S if it really shakes things up later on, but so far it's a little mind-warpy, but worth watching.

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