Thursday, October 3, 2013

Stella Girl's Academy High School Division C³ Club

Etc etc C³ Club: C+

So this is apparently what Gainax has been up to: a show about cute girls doing cute airsoft things.  While it falls into the trap of superpowered sports skill and AIRSOFT IS SERIOUS BUSINESS in a couple places, it's ultimately a show, much like Free!, about competition and the purpose of competitive activities, with a bit about personal development and finding a place thrown in.

Also lots of cute girls.  And guns.  Seriously, if you don't at least kind of want to buy an airsoft gun after this show something is probably wrong with you.

This show falls a little bit on the side of 'boobs' in the continuum of 'genius' to 'boobs' that makes up the shows that Gainax creates, and there's not a whole lot more to say about it than that it's another sports anime that manages a discussion of a deeper topic.  It doesn't come out as clearly about it as Free! did (and the final episode, which could have done so was instead just a fan service parade), so I have a tough time calling it 'good', but it's also definitely not bad.  It's not presumptive, it's not pretending to be deeper than it is.

So if you want to watch a bunch of cute girls shooting airsoft guns at each other and maybe getting a little serious about it in places, this show's fun.  But if that sounds kind of shallow or uninteresting then you can probably skip it and not feel like you're missing out.

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