Friday, October 18, 2013

Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen

Rozen Maiden (2013):  C+

A third season which doesn't directly continue from the second season.  Overall it's a decent story if you're familiar with Rozen Maiden as a franchise but a weird one if you're not.  I personally felt a little shortchanged because I liked the villain and she didn't get a very satisfying ending, and the finale implying additional seasons based off this series' weird timeline.  But I guess with my warning you that's goign to happen you might not have the problem I did.

This story takes place in a parallel universe, except it also doesn't, because the parallel universe is sort of distantly connected to the original universe, and that connection is very important to the plot.  I found myself relating to the Unwound Jun much more than the Wound Jun in the original series, but overall this one was less slice-of-life comedy and more weirdly-paced drama with less payoff.  I did enjoy it and I felt it came together, but it wasn't as good as the high points of the original series, though it wasn't far below it, either.

If you want more Rozen Maiden and won't mind them screwing with pre-established events fromt he anime then knock yourself out, but if you either didn't like the original Rozen Maiden or don't know it, this isn't where you want to start.

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