Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kore wa Zombie desu ka?

Kore wa Zombie desu ka?: C++

I picked this series up quite a while ago (it was a first-quarter 2011 series), but the sub group that I'd been following for it only got up to about episode 6.  I rewatched a bit and decided I really liked the opening theme, and came to want to see the ending, so I did.

KoreZombie (as I often abbreviate it) is certainly not for everyone.  It's fan-service heavy, rooted in bizarre mythology jokes and the plot is pretty weak.  It's a comedic harem anime, of the sort where the protagonist is a bit of a lech, or at least enjoying the fan service as much as the target audience is, and therefore he (and by extension, we, the viewer) must be punished.  KoreZombie takes this idea and runs with it.

The main character is a zombie (though their zombies are different) and, mostly because of the necromancer who resurrected him, he begins acquiring an ever-larger collection of girls who live with or near him, or are accidentally engaged to him, or just like having him around.  Hijinks and costume damage ensue: the plot isn't exactly twisted but deals with the fact that our necromancer girl is a genuinely good necromancer, and what that entails, ethically.

Now all that sounds fairly normal with the extra bit of "oh, he's a zombie," but that's really not all the show has going for it.  It is out-and-out bizarre and over the top, and it will make you laugh from the sheer absurdity of the situations, and it will embarrass you with what it puts poor Ayumu through to take care of his girls, starting with the end of the very first episode and only going up from there.

It's a good fan servicey comedy series, and if you're the sort of person who enjoys that, check it out.  If panty shots or clothing damage sound like they might get on your nerves, stay away.

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