Monday, April 21, 2014

Soul Eater

Soul Eater: B

So, in Anime Halloween Town, Death himself runs a school for kids to learn to use weapons like his own very famous scythe.  The weapons are also people.  And there's Witches who Death doesn't like but it's not clear on exactly how evil all of them are (though definitely a couple of them are very evil) and something about a god of madness trapped in a bag made of his own skin somewhere in there as well.

Soul Eater is a shonen anime with all that entails but it's short (only 50 episodes) and has an ending, as well as some of the creepiest supernatural horror I've seen in anime (as opposed to visceral horror like Attack on Titan or personal horror like Higurashi), as well excellent villains, heroes with genuine problems and... actually overall a really fun cast of characters and as well as an evocative and unique setting.  It's well written and well animated and if that's all you need to enjoy something you can get a lot out of it.

Like a lot of B rated series that I like, but acknowledge are not genius, it hasn't got a lot of depth, when I want to talk what it's about, I can basically only talk about the cast and plot elements, which I don't really like talking about in my reviews unless they're funny or engaging in a vacuum, and I don't think Soul Eater functions that way.  Soul Eater should grab you with its unique aesthetic and atmosphere and hold you with good writing and execution, though there's a few episodes in the middle that don't serve to progress the plot much, there's some seriously brilliant villainy going on, some clever humor and the plot is unpredictable in an interesting and good way.

If you want to spend some time in Anime Halloween Town, Soul Eater is a very good way to do that.  If you don't have 50 episodes of time to watch a single show, you can safely miss it, but if the premise appeals to you in any way, I actually pretty heartily recommend it, just don't go in expecting too much.

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