Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sengoku Basara (Season 1)

Sengoku Basara:  C

Sengoku Basara is not good, but it is awesome.

The famous generals of Japan's Warring States era are souped up and made five times more awesome than their original incarnations, whether this means making them into actual demons rather than just possessing legendary ruthlessness or giving them ridiculous fighting styles and absurd levels of shonen anime 'combat power' such as wielding six katana at once and causing lightning dragons to erupt from the ground where they strike.

Sengoku Basara's plot is fairly simple: Oda Nobunaga is evil, good guys all team up and beat him up.  There are some interesting nods and interpretations going on regarding the actual historical figures, but any real connection to the actual historical events is distant at the very best.

Also, Date Masamune's horse has handlebars and exhaust pipes, like a motorcycle.  Yeah.

Sengoku Basara is a thoughtless semi-historical parade of boyish fantasy violence spiced with childish humor.  It's quite entertaining if you're looking for something full of shouting men, swords and explosions.  If you're expecting realism, historical accuracy, or strong female characters, you'll really regret watching Sengoku Basara.

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