Friday, April 5, 2013


MM!: C+

Oh, hey, a C+.  I give those out more than I give C's.  It really is a problem, but unfortunately, I feel like I have to say it's about as good as all the other C+'s, even though really, they've all kind of standardized into the overall 'C' category, but I'd feel weird going back and editing all my previous reviews to make my C+'s into C's.  Anyway, the show.

MM! is a romcom with harem elements built around comedic masochism: our main character, Sado Tarou, goes into a state of perverse ecstasy when he is hurt by pretty girls.  Naturally, this plays well with traditional Tsundere tendencies (represented here in Isurugi Mio, the blonde), who, out of the goodness of her heart, offers to cure him, but can't really think of any better ways to do it other than coming up with more and more extreme tortures, which Tarou of course enjoys.  She is assisted by Tarou's classmate Yuuno Arashiko (purple hair), who has violent androphobia (very similar to Mahiru from Working!!), who at least feels bad about hitting Tarou... though he enjoys that too.  These two both develop romantic attractions to the main character, the real eye-rolling harem-y bits come from the supporting cast.

And really that's all there is to the series.  Here's these girls, they're cute, here's this boy, he's a sweet guy despite his perversion, they're gonna beat him up and he's gonna enjoy it.  If it sounds like a giggle (and it's good for giggles), you'll probably like it.  If you want an intelligent discussion of being a member of The Lifestyle, joining it or an honest look at what living life thinking you're fucked up, MM! has very, very little for you.  If you're looking for outstandingly well-written characters or storylines, MM! has nothing for you.  At a couple points, though, I found myself thinking "That's nice, a reminder that even freaks just want to be happy."  The series doesn't come to any sort of real conclusion, but manages a satisfying enough ending anyway.

Overall, MM! is a predictable romcom with a slightly off-beat premise that handles itself adequately.  If you're curious what Japanese dominatrixes sound like, you might get a kick out of it, and if you want something to put on in the background at a party; it's not particularly fan servicey (except for the 'specials', but if you don't know that 'special' means 'excuse for us to show these girls inappropriately' you're behind the anime times).  If you're looking for series that are genuinely 'good' though, this is not where you want to spend your time.

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